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Page history last edited by Phil Baraona 11 years ago

Phil's Homepage


Welcome to my homepage. This page contains a few tidbits from my life. Perhaps you'll find them interesting....


Travel Logs


Travelling is one of my favorite things to do. Here are travel logs and pictures from some of my more interesting trips in the past few years.


Canadian Rockies: August Camp 2011


A one week trip to the Canadian Rockies for the Appalachian Mountain Club's August Camp.


Japan: Oct, 2009


A 20 day trip to Japan. The first 16 days were with the Appalachian Mountain Club. Not satisfied with that I added on a few days in Tokyo at the end.


Italy: March, 2007


An 18 day trip to Italy. Part of it was by myself, part of it was with 5 friends. The link above takes you to the page the six of us used to share our photos, etc. You can also go directoy to my travel log and pictures which have been split into four albums: highlights, part 1 (Rome/Amalfi), part 2 (Florence) and part 3 (Milan).


Paris and Reykjavik: Nov, 2005


A 9-day trip to France and Iceland with a few friends.


Grand Canyon: Oct, 2003


An amazing 19-day white water rafting trip down the Grand Canyon.


New Version - Under Construction


Book Club


Information about a book club I have been a member of since 2002.


Fun Links



  • Recipes: Some recipes I've made (or helped make) that I want to save.


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