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Page history last edited by Phil Baraona 12 years, 11 months ago

AMC August Camp

Canadian Rockies

August 6-14, 2011

by Phillip Baraona


The Appalachian Mountain Club has been running a program called August Camp since the 1880s. They set up a base camp at some picturesque location in North America and campers do day hikes out from there. I first heard about this from a friend a few years ago and have wanted to go. This year, I finally made it happen and this page contains pictures, my travel log and links to various other things from the trip.




I took over 500 pictures the week I was there. I picked out about 150 of those pictures and put them into three photo albums:

  • Scenery: Just some of the amazing scenery from the various hikes I did throughout the week.
  • Camp Life and People:  Pictures of life around camp and the people who made the week fun.
  • Grizzly Bear:  Eight pictures of a Grizzly Bear about 50 feet away taken from a (stopped) car. 


Travel Log


I almost never write anything more than emails -- except when I travel. I like to keep a journal of my travels that I can share with others when I return. The links below take you to pages that contain my mostly unedited thoughts about each day of my trip:




Here are some links to more information about August Camp and the Canadian Rockies:

  • AMC August Camp: Official website for August Camp. Learn about where they are going next year and see links to other people's photos.
  • August Camp Yahoo Group: Mailing list and additional information about August Camp. Only available to people who request membership in the group.
  • Beaverfoot Lodge: Website for base camp location.


Here are some links to some of my friends photo albums from the trip:


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